Insight To Black Hat Social Media – Semalt Expert

There are two types of search engine optimization (SEO): White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Black Hat social media is emerging nowadays and has spawned an advanced era of the internet. That happens when your social media sites are attacked by the hackers and you are tricked in a lot of ways.

Michael Brown, the Semalt Customer Success Manager, explains that whether you are running a small business or a big one, you must be familiar with the Black Hat SEO and Black Hat Social media. Both of these practices need to be avoided if you want to run your business for a lifetime. While various webmasters have started to recognize Black Hat Social media, a lot of information on how it influences SEO has never been shared.

Introduction to Black Hat social media

First of all, you should be familiar with what Black Hat social media is. The term "black hat" is referred to a particular type of hackers who use illegal SEO tactics. They remain involved in violating computer security and create a lot of problems for you. Just like Black Hat SEO, Black Hat social media is meant to damage your online presence to a great extent. Social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, have provided us with some special guidelines of how to avoid Black Hat social media and how to improve your online presence to drive quality traffic to your website.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to get rid of Black Hat social media as the hackers and spammers have implemented various strategies to trick the users. They attempt to utilize your social media sites for their reasons. They want to improve the ranking of their own websites, giving you though time on the internet even when you have been involved in white hat social media practices.

Some examples of Black Hat social media

Some examples of Black Hat social media are buying false likes and followers and paying heavily for YouTube subscribers. If you are involved in acts of sharing porn hyperlinks, your site's security might be at risk. You should never use programs to get automatic followers on Twitter and Instagram. Plus, you should avoid creating social media accounts with fake names to generate more likes, shares, and comments. Writing negative reviews on the pages of your competitors are not allowed on the internet. In the same way, you should not write positive reviews on your personal or company pages to drive more and more traffic.

Buying fake likes, shares, and followers is not a good practice. Search Engine Land reveals that social media websites have strict rules and regulations to make sure that their platforms are not used for illegal activities. Most SEO experts know that social media websites play a significant role in improving the rank of our website, and they drive a lot of traffic to our articles. But if you are involved in illegal practices, your site will not get indexed in the search engines, and your social media profiles might get banned. You should never optimize fake accounts, and avoid buying fake reviews online. Facebook and Twitter have recently joined hands to shut down the profiles that look non-legitimate and don't have good profile pictures.